Rock Art and Shamanism: Phenomenology, context and ethics
Shamanism, rock art, Central Asia, interpretation, bronze era, symbolicsAbstract
The article concerns studying experience of problems in the field of interpretation of rock art from the point of view of Shamanism influence. The questions considered in the publication defined need of the appeal to the general historiography of Shamanism, and also some aspects of research of this tradition in petroglyphs of various chronological periods. The analysis of the available materials received during works in the territory of Central Asia allowed to reveal some images and plots which can show influence of Shamanism on rock art of the ancient population of the region. The sites most indicative in this regard belong, mainly, to a bronze era. It is confirmed also by results of excavation of not numerous funeral complexes dated by this time. In the conclusion some ethical questions of interpretation of archaeological materials, including rock art, in the context of influence on their lines of Shamanism traditions are considered. It is offered to distinguish Shamanism as religious system of the population of Siberia and Central Asia and Shamanism which manifestations are fixed in rock art of the ancient people in these regions
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