RUSSIAN AND POLISH ARCHEOLOGICAL EXPEDITIONS IN the Altai mountains (at the beginning of the 21 st century)
the Altai mountains, Russian and Polish archeological researchAbstract
The base for performing of joint Russian and Polish archeological research for the latest 14 years is traditionally represented by the testing field site near the town of Manzherok, Maima district, the Altai Republic, and the Central Altai archeological group of the Institute of Archeology and Ethnography, SB RAS (IAE SB RAS). During the last decade, several expeditions and a summer archeological school practice was conducted (2009). In the course of the joint Russian and Polish archeological expeditions in the Altai mountains, over a dozen of the burial mounds of the Pazyryk and Cara-Coby cultures (Chultukov Log-1) were explored, new locations of petroglyphs were discovered (Anyyakh), the exploratory excavations of the settlement of the Maima archeological culture - Chultukov Log-9 - were conducted. The computer modelling of stone burial structures of the Scythian time of the Altai mountains with the detailed specification of all the subsequent stages of their construction was performed for the first time. The achieved results of the joint studies were included into the scientific publications of the Jagiellonian University (Cracow) (Rechercher Archeologigues Nouvelle Serie Rechercher Archeologigues Nouvelle Serie), the Institute of Archeology and Ethnography, SB RAS (Archeology, Ethnography and Anthropology of Eurasia), NSPU (Bulletin of Pedagogical Innovations) as well as in popular science magazines in Russia (National Geographic. Russia), Poland (Recherches archeologiques Nouvelle serie) and in various electronic information resources.
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