State Hermitage, keeper, art of nomads, Pazyryk antiquities, collection, exhibition, exhibits, scientific publications, catalog, Altai, SiberiaAbstract
He article is devoted to L.L. Barkova - the famous Russian expert, the senior researcher of the department of Archaeology of Eastern Europe and Siberia of the State Hermitage (St. Petersburg), the keeper and the researcher of Siberian antiquities. After the graduation from the Leningrad State University, Lyudmila Leonidovna began to work in the State Hermitage in 1953. She participated in archaeological expeditions, was a curator of many exhibitions, including foreign ones, carried out educational and other activities. Her contribution to processing, studying and storage of the unique materials received at excavation of “imperial” barrows of Scythian-Saka time in Altai which belong to Pazyryk culture have a particular importance. L.L. Barkova wrote a number of scientific works on the subject. The papers devoted to ancient art have a special value. The information on the publications prepared by her colleagues is presented in the form of the bibliography. It is presented in the supplement to the article. All who interacted with Lyudmila Leonidovna note her human qualities, high professionalism and a responsible attitude to work.
Barkova L.L. Pogrebenie koney v kurgane Shibe [The burials of horses in the Shiba mound]. Arkheologicheskiy sbornik Gosudarstvennogo Ermitazha [Archaeological collection of the State Hermitage], 20, 1979. Pp. 55–65 [In Russian]. Баркова Л.Л. Погребение коней в кургане Шибе // Археологический сборник ГЭ. 1979. Вып. 20. С. 55–65.
Barkova L.L. Kurgan Shibe. Predmety material’noy kul’tury iz pogrebal’noy kamery [Kurgan Shibe and the objects of the material culture from the burial chanber]. Arkheologicheskiy sbornik Gosudarstvennogo Ermitazha [Archaeological collection of the State Hermitage], 21, 1980. Pp. 48–59. [In Russian]. Баркова Л.Л. Курган Шибе. Предметы материальной культуры из погребальной камеры // Археологический сборник ГЭ. 1980. Вып. 21. С. 48–59.
Rudenko S.I. Kul’tura naseleniya Gornogo Altaya v skifskoe vremya [The culture of the population of the Altai Moiuntains in the Scythian time]. Mosvow ; Leningrad : Izd-vo AN SSSR, 1953. 402 p. [In Russian]. Руденко С.И. Культура населения Горного Алтая в скифское время. М. ; Л. : Изд-во АН СССР, 1953. 402 с.
Rudenko S.I. Kul’tura naseleniya Tsentralnogo Altaya v skifskoe vremya [The culture of the Central Altai population in the Scythian time]. Moscow ; Leningrad : Izd-vo AN SSSR, 1960. 360 p. + CXXVI tabl. [In Russian]. Руденко С.И. Культура населения Центрального Алтая в скифское время. М. ; Л. : Изд-во АН СССР, 1960. 360 с. + CXXVI табл.
Rudenko S.I. Drevneyshie v mire khudozhestvennye kovry i tkani iz oledenelykh kurganov Gornogo Altaya [The oldest in the world art carpets and fabrics from the icy mounds of the Altai Mountains]. Moscow : Iskusstvo, 1968. 136 p. [In Russian]. Руденко С.И. Древнейшие в мире художественные ковры и ткани из оледенелых курганов Горного Алтая. М. : Искусство, 1968. 136 с.