THE PLATES OF THE COMPOSITE BOWS FROM THE SROSTKI-I BURIAL GROUND (materials of excavations of 2012-2014 and 2016)
forest-steppe Altai, the burial mounds (barrows), burial (tombs), ranged weapons, composite bows, bow plates, classification, typology, the boundary of the developed and late Middle Ages, Srostki cultureAbstract
The article considers the introduction into the scientific revolution of a series of Homy plates on bows, obtained as the result of the research expedition of Altai State University on the Sroski-I burial mound in 2012, 2013, 2014 and 2016. Opinions are demonstrated of researchers who studied the Srostki bows. The description is given to the plates by such parameters as the location on the bow arch, shape and size. The types of the plates are distinguished and the conclusion is made about their belonging to the bow of the same type. The consideration is given to the origin and dating of the plates and bows, as well as the impact on their development of various ethnic and cultural traditions. The plates from the Srostki-I monument date back to the 2nd half of the 9th - 1st half of th 10th A.D. They demonstrate an independent line of development of the Srostki composite bows which was based on the Turkish tradition of making ranged weapons and had a certain influence on the formation of the Mongolian tradition.
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