North-West Mongolia, ceramics, plastic raw material, pottery paste, cultural traditionsAbstract
Discovery of pioneer settlements in North-West Mongolia has created an opportunity for research of ceramic complexes. The settlement Shar-Gov-4 is situated on the right bank of the Godon-Gol River, near its confluence with the Hovd. The collection of ceramics consists of 81 fragments that differ in cultural and chronological accessory. The small part of ceramics is dated to the Bronze Age, and the main part is dated to the Early Iron Age. The research has been carried out within the scope of historical and cultural approach developed by A.A. Bobrinsky. Traditions in the choice of initial feedstock and preparation of forming masses have been studied. It is established that potters of the Shar-Gov-4 settlement preferred feedstock of middle and low flexibility to which they added organics. Mineral impurities were added less often, as a rule they were gruss and in some cases chamotte and slag. The mixture of cultural traditions in use of mineral impurities in the Early Iron Age has been recorded, and that reflects contacts of the population with different skills of pottery production. Skills of addition of organics and gruss are local, and the use of chamotte is nonlocal
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