settlement, Early Bronze Age, eluninskaya Culture northwestern foothills of the Altai, metal products, awls, knives, rings, metal composition, rentgenoflyuorestsenty analysisAbstract
The article is devoted to the characterization of metal products, found during the excavations of the Kolyvan-I settlement. The monument is located in the north-western foothills of Altai near the Savvushki village (Zmeinogorsky District of the Altai Territory). Over three decades of the field study excavation was carried out of about 2,500 square meters, the area where investigation was performed of the variety of objects relating to the economic activities of the people living there (the fire-places, facilities, production facilities, pits, etc.). Archaeological material includes a collection of pottery fragments, stone, bone and metal tools, as well as findings related to the bronze casting (slag, pieces of ore, metal spikes). Early complex of Kolyvan-I settlement is dated mainly 21-19th centuries, BC and refers to Elunino Archaeological Culture. The collection of products is represented by a series of metal needles, rings and fragments of knives. Spectral analysis of metal, carried out with the help of X-ray fluorescence spectrometer ALPHA SERIES ™ (Model Alpha 2000), showed that the products are made of tin bronze (needles, knives) and lead (rings). Perspective is the study of toxins detected.
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