Altai Mountains, Middle Paleolithic, bone retouchers, bone industryAbstract
The article discusses the results of a new phase of Chagyrskaya cave investigation in which bone retouchers in Middle Paleolithic context were found. Until now bone retouchers have not been documented for the Middle Paleolithic industries of the Russian Altai Mountains. Bone tools and decorations of nonutilitarian purpose repeatedly were documented in the Upper Paleolithic and transitional industries of the studied region (Denisov cave, Kara-Bom). For the territory of the Russian Altai Mountains the Middle Paleolithic bone retouchers have been described for the first time. In Micoquan complexes of the Crimea and Northern Caucasus which demonstrate a significant degree of technical and typological similarities with assemblages of the Chagyrskaya cave bone retouchers are common and numerous finds. This fact greatly expands the range of the Neanderthal population’s tool kits of the Russian Altai Mountains, and in general makes us reconsider our understanding of the technological knowledge level of these populations.
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