Altai Mountains, Denisova Cave, Pleistocene, Middle Paleolithic, stone tool industry, primary flaking, toolkitAbstract
The paper discusses data resulted from an analysis of the middle Middle Paleolithic stone tool industry from deposits comprising layer 12 in the East Chamber of Denisova Cave. The collection of stone artifacts from this part of the excavation section totals more than 6000 specimens. The primary flaking technique used in the stone tool industry from layer 12 can be characterized by utilizing parallel-sided, radial and Kombewa cores. A small group of artifacts includes Levallois cores for making flakes and blades. Spalls are basically represented by flakes, blades are scarce. The toolkit is dominated by various types of scrapers and denticulate tools. Levallois points were found in small amounts. The Upper Paleolithic tools, including burins and truncated flakes are present. In layer 12, the stone tool industry was associated with the phalanx of a hand attributed to Homo, which appears to have belonged to an adult male of a Neanderthal type with some archaic features based on a number of morphological traits. In general, within the context of the Middle Paleolithic in Denisova Cave, the stone tool industry from layer 12 correlates, both culturally and chronologically, with evidence from layers 20 and 19 in the Main Chamber as well as from layer 10 in the entrance area of the cave.
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