Northwest Altai, Late Pleistocene, Holocene, pollen analysis, paleontology, lithic industryAbstract
Strashnaya Cave has been studied in different periods by several research groups, since 1969. A new stage of the site’s investigation was renewed in 2013. The cave is known as multi-layer stratified site that contains cultural layers dated back from the Middle Paleolithic to the Middle Ages. 13 lithological units have been allocated in the section. Layers 1-2 relate to the Holocene, the rest - to the Pleistocene; 11-13 - archaeologically sterile layers. During the new stage of the cave research the upper part of the sediments has been studied (layers 1-5); technical and typological analysis of the archaeological material has been carried out; micro- and megafauna fossils have been studied; pollen analysis has been done. Archaeological collection from Holocene layers 1-2 is associated with the early Bronze Age and later stages of the cave occupation. The cultural remains from layer 3 witnessed several episodes of human activity; all of them associated with the regional Upper Paleolithic traditions. Industry of layers 4-5 are attributed to the final stages of the Middle Paleolithic. That industry was based on flat-face and discoidal knapping strategies with a significant presence of the Levallois component.
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