Central Asia, Upper Paleolithic, Last Glacial Maximum, cultural tradition, radiocarbon datingAbstract
Since its earliest stages, the development of the Upper Paleolithic of Mongolia was impacted by several hiatuses observable in cultural and stratigraphic sequences. These breaks may be linked with the most significant alternations of climate and with corresponding ecological responses. The LGM was one such major climate change and is correlated with an interruption of human settlement throughout the region under analysis. The paucity of dated assemblages in the chronological range from 23-21 ka BP and the first appearance of wedge-shaped core microblade reduction only in the post-LGM stage of the Late Upper Paleolithic may constitute evidence of the discontinuity of cultural traditions between the EUP-MUP and the LUP of Mongolia and a probable replacement of the former population by a population associated with a different cultural package. The Lake Baikal region of southern Siberia seems to have been in frequent contact with northern Mongolia via the Selenga drainage system. Current data suggest that population movements from Siberia to Mongolia took place following the LGM.
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