technology of wood processing, wooden structures, angle mates, and traditionsAbstract
The construction of any wooden buildings includes some mandatory elements such as the frame (walls), ceiling, flooring. The frame is the main element of construction. It consists of walls that are built in the crowns of logs, half logs, timbers. The crowns are mounted (chopped) in two ways: rigid coupling by means of special logging (bowls) at the ends of logs; a movable connection. The walls with rigid connection (chopped) are assembled from sequential crown rows of four logs, connected (linked) with each other in the corners of log cabins with a special cut down (bowls). The walls with a movable connection, assembled with the horizontal stacking logs on top of each other between pairs of vertically dug timbered stands, are put close to other arcs the ends of the logs. The walls with movable slot-finger compounds assembled from logs with spikes on the ends are inserted into cut longitudinal grooves of the uprights. Various options for rigid and flexible joint of logs of the burial vaults can serve as indicators of the construction traditions of archaeological cultures in different regions in the antiquity. Comprehensive comparative-typological analysis of the peculiarities of wood processing, types of corner binding logs log cabins, forms of burial facilities, gives the basis for selection of the construction traditions of the Scythian time.
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