Central Altai, Kudrin valley, Pazyryk time, bronze, ritual vessel ladle, soma/haomaAbstract
The article introduces into the scientific circulation a unique bronze vessel, accidentally found in the second half of the 1980s in the Kadrin Valley (Ongudai district of the Altai Republic). The finding has a cylindrical body slightly expanding from the bottom to the top which has a tubular spout-plum, two vertically oriented loops and base for horizontal handle. By analogy with the vessel from a closed complex in the Southern Urals the published vessel is attributed to the second half of the 4th century BC and the borderline of the 4th - 3rd centuries BC. The authors believe that the vessel from Kadrin fully corresponds to the type of ritual utensils of the Eurasian mountain-steppe zone populations of Scythian-Saka time in the Seven Rivers. The vessel is considered to have been used by the Pazyryk people of Altai for sacred drinks such as soma/haoma. The Pazyric people used the drinks to fall into the altered states of consciousness and achieve a trance in order to establish communication between the profane and the sacred worlds, and to meet the challenges of artificial stimulation of the body for the purpose of long-term and persistent excitation nerve centers and muscle tissue before the battle and hard work, and perhaps also for anesthesia and increase in sensitivity of the receptors, and in some other special cases. The origin of the Kadrin vessel is not well established; it could be imported or made by the Altai craftsmen by the Seven Rivers sample.
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