
  • N. F. Stepanova Institute of archaeology and Ethnography SB RAS; Altai State University
  • Ya. V. Frolov Altai State University




ceramics, settlements, early Iron Age, Altai, technical and technological analysis, plastic raw material, pottery paste, ornament


The article contains the results of studying of ceramics from the settlements of the Early Iron Age from forest-steppe Altai and the short characteristic of ceramic collections of three archaeological cultures. The ceramics of the Staroaleyskaya culture is characterized by closed, sometimes open, flat-bottomed jars and cups with a flat or roundish bottom ornamented with ranks of the small, closely located pearl beading on the edge of the collar; the Kamenskaya culture is characterized by jug-like vessels, rarely open, flat-bottomed jars ornamented with ranks of hollows, notches or herringbone. In Bystryanskaya culture the juglike vessels and pots are often decorated with rollers with notches. Vessels made of ferruginized plastic raw materials are typical for all the examined collections while medium-plastic and low-plastic raw materials are unusual. In the Barnaul Ob area chamotte was used while in the northern foothills of Altai grass was more typical. Ceramics without artificially added mineral impurities can be occasionally found in forest-steppe and foothill areas. The great number of the mixed recipes is found on the lake Itkul. On the basis of studying of adaptive skills for ceramics production, there were revealed cultural traditions in drawing up pottery paste corresponding to certain landscape characteristics and the skills reflecting contacts of the population and development of new territories. The data of the technical and technological analysis confirm the process of interaction and mixture of different population groups during Early Iron Age of forest-steppe Altai traced on the basis of studying of forms and ornament of ceramics.


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