Tuva, Turks, mound, burial with horse, tamgaAbstract
The Krasnaya Gorka grave field located in Central Tuva on the left bank of the Ulug-Khem (Yenisei) in the Bai-Bulun area was studied by the Tuva archaeological expedition of the Institute of the History of Material Culture of the Russian Academy of Sciences (St. Petersburg) in 2015. The article presents a full publication of the materials of two Objects (Nos. 3 and 5) of the Krasnaya Gorka-19 monument, which belongs to the Turkic period. Object number 3 - undermound burial in the grave with two accompanying horses and the stele installed in 3 m to the east - south-east made of a “deer” stone, dug upside down. The burial is not robbed, all the equipment is presented. Anthropological and paleozoological determinations are given, a brief interpretation of the complex is given and its place is noted in the circle of synchronous monuments of Tuva and Central Asia. Special attention is given to the carved signs (possibly tamgas) on the central horn overlays on the bow. There is a lack of direct analogies to these signs in the Orkhon and Yenisei alphabets, as well as in the body of well-known tamgas and tamga-like signs of Tuva and adjacent territories.
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