
  • L. A. Bobrov Novosibirsk state University
  • V. V. Gorbunov Altai state university
  • A. A. Tishkin Altai state university




archeology, weapons science, Siberian arms school, Julius S. Khudyakov


The article examines the scientific biography of the famous Soviet and Russian archaeologist and arms expert Yuliy Khudyakova who turns 70 this year; singles out the main stages of the scientist’s career; identifies key directions of his research in the studying of the military and cultural heritage of the nomads of Central Asia and Southern Siberia of the Antiquity, the Middle Ages and the early period of Modern Times. The analysis is given to contribution of Yu.S. Khudyakov in the development of domestic weapons science in general and in the development of theoretical bases for the study of military affairs of nomads in particular. A thesis is proposed about the existence of a special “Siberian” art school with Yu.S. Khudyakov as the founder and the leader. It is established that the distinctive feature of the research of representatives of this scientific school is the application of the developed by Yu.S. Khudyakov comprehensive analytical model to study military affairs of nomadic ethnoses, cultures and the principles of classification of weapons items corresponding to this model. The participation of the jubilee in various spheres of scientific, organizational and educational activities is noted.


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