Altai Mountains, Denisova Cave, Pleistocene, early Upper Paleolithic, stone tool industry, primary flaking, tool assemblageAbstract
This publication presents results from an analysis of the early Upper Paleolithic stone tool industries associated with the deposits that constitute layers 11.2 and 11.1 in the East Chamber of the Denisova Cave. The collection of lithic artifacts, including a total of more than 4,000 specimens, has been recovered from this part of the excavation profile. In stone tool industries attributed to the time at issue, primary reduction strategy can be characterized by flat cores resulted from parallel and radial flaking. Isolated specimens of sub-prismatic, narrow- faced and Levallois cores are found to be present. The tool assemblage includes distinctive samples of end-scrapers, burins, chisel-like tools, showing difference based on the well-pronounced Upper Paleolithic morphology. However, evidence shows that a Middle Paleolithic element represented by various types of scrapers remains important in this assemblage. Cultural and chronological counterparts of the early Upper Paleolithic assemblage from the East Chamber are archaeological materials associated with layer 11 in the Main Chamber and the South Chamber, as well as with layers 8 and 7 at the entrance area of the cave.
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