Altai, Balchikova-3 area, magnetometric survey, “Tsarsky” Mound, Pazyrykskaya cultureAbstract
The Balchikova-3 area is located near the Sentelek the village in the Charyshsky district of the Altai Territory and is known for its large (“royal”) mound of the Pazyrykskaya culture, the study and partial museification of which was undertaken in the 1990s and early 2000s. This complex, despite the robbery and other destruction, has retained a number of important design features. In addition, objects of other epochs were discovered and unearthed. Various information of the historiographic character has been collected, as well as local legends that attract the attention of local historians and tourists. In 2017, an attempt was made to start a magnetometric survey on the site for a detailed study of its planning and demonstration of the specifics of the burial-memorial complex, based on the “Tsarsky” mound. For such work, an aeromagnetic complex with a high-frequency magnetometer based on a light unmanned aerial vehicle was used. The obtained results were superimposed on an accessible image from space, and also compared with the available plan for tacheometric ground fixation and other data. They allow outlining the continuation of such work on a larger territory.
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