Altai Foothills, Stone Age, settlement, stone industry, final PaleolithicAbstract
In spite of the fact that Altai is one of the world centers in modern paleolithology and significant achievements are noted in its research, the territory of the northern front of the Altai Mountains still remains practically unexplored. As a result of excavations conducted by archaeologists of Altai State University in the autumn of 2017, a new Stone Age site was discovered on the Ulyanovka 3 site situated in the vicinity of Belokurikha, which presents an impressive stone inventory. The article deals with the geomorphological position of the object of archaeological heritage, stratigraphic position, gives a detailed description of the inventory groups, analyzes the typological composition of the stone industry, separately considers the tool set. The complex demonstrates the technique of splitting the prismatic orientation, tools on the plates and bifacies. The presented set of artifacts allows drawing a conclusion about the Upper Paleolithic appearance of the received materials and their belonging to the circle of monuments of the Lower Katun Upper Paleolithic culture (according to A.L. Kungurov). The obtained data for the first time describe the most ancient history of the region.
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