Western Siberia, Kazakhstan, the Bronze Age, the Alakul culture, the cult of ancestorsAbstract
In recent years the question of the violated burials of the ancient cultures of Eurasia has been widely discussed. The article deals with Alakul burials in which certain " superfluous" human bones, that are not related to the main burial are found. Basically, these are female skulls, lower jaws, teeth and bones of one hand/hands. Alakul burials, where at the female skeleton is lacking the skull and bones of one hand, supplements this picture. The following explanation of this situation is proposed. In the Bronze Age, in connection with the development of cattle breeding, in the steppes the struggle for the best pastures unfolds. Rivals in the struggle could be groups that are belong to the same culture (Alakul). The collective which were suffer defeated, had to leave not only its territory, but also the clan cemetery where ancestors are buried. In order to their collective received the support of their ancestors in the new place, they were digging out the graves of the most revered of relatives and transporting the bones to a new territory. Accordingly, the winning collective try to arrogate of the cemetery of the adversary, for this purpose they buried in the graves, that belong to other clan, separate bones of their ancestors. The author comes to the conclusion that the violations graves in antiquity could be done repeatedly, both by relatives and adversaries. These actions of a magical nature were directed, first of all, on the bones of ancestors. It is the help and support of the ancestors, but not jewelry or weapons, was the main value to the collective.
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