Alei Valley, Rubtsovskoe settlement, stone artifacts, core, primary cleavage products, classification, Neolithic, EneolithicAbstract
The article presents the publication of a part of the stone artifacts discovered in the Rubtsovskoye settlement, which was recorded in the valley of the upper stream of the Alei river (the left tributary of the Ob). The existing collection (3242 copies) is one of the most representative ones from the territory of the south-western regions of the Altai Territory. The site was partially destroyed, and the main material was obtained during systematic collections. This creates problems in determining the detailed dating of the available finds. In the vicinity of the Rubtsovskoe settlement there are no outlets of quality stone, which could be used for making tools. Therefore, an important aspect of the activities of its residents was the delivery of raw materials. Apparently, the initial stages of selection and splitting of stones were realized outside the territory in question. As a result, quality billets and related semi-finished products were delivered to the settlement. At the same time, chips were used with grinded tools, fragments of products, severely worked cores and other materials that were in demand in production. A similar situation is typical for the sites that are substantially remote from sources of raw materials. After the carried out analysis, it can be stated that the main part of the collection of stone artifacts of the Rubtsovskoe settlement belongs to the early and developed Neolithic. In addition, in the composition of the tool set in a sufficient (statistically significant) quantity there are products of the period of the Eneolithic. Individual artifacts can be dated to the final Neolithic – early Eneolithic.
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