
  • A. V. Shalagina Institute of Archaeology and Ethnography SB RAS
  • M. Baumann PACEA Laboratory,University of Bordau
  • K. A. Kolobova Institute of Archaeology and Ethnography SB RAS
  • A. I. Krivoshapkin Institute of Archaeology and Ethnography SB RAS



North-Western Altai, Upper Paleolithic, Strashnaya cave, Bone Industry, Needles with the Eyelet


Paleolithic sites in Altai became widely known not only due to the unique paleoanthropological remains, but also because of the discovery of the earliest ancient human’s ornaments. In the Initial Upper Paleolithic complexes from Denisova Cave, a numerous assemblage of ornaments and tools made of bone and antler was discovered. To date, bone tools were unique among the regional Initial and Early Upper Paleolithic. This situation had changed by the discovery of numerous bone tools and ornaments collection in the Upper Paleolithic assemblages from Strashnaya cave, which includes various pendants, needles, points and perforators. One of the most impressive part of the bone industry from Strashnaya cave are two bone needles. The first proximal-medial fragment of the needle with the eyelet was found at the bottom part of the Upper Paleolithic deposits (layer 33). The second distal fragment, originated from the layer 31а in the upper part of the profile. The main stages of both needles manufacture and utilization were reconstructed. Taking in account the available radiocarbon dates, bone needles from the Strashnaya cave fit into a chronological interval of 44 to 19 kyr.

A comparison of the bone needles with the needles from the Paleolithic sites from nearby territories made it possible to reveal analogies in the Initial and Early Upper Paleolithic complexes of the Denisova Cave, the Talbaga site (Transbaikal region ), and in the assemblages from Middle Yenisei Upper Paleolithic  sites (Lystinka, Afontova Gora-2).


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