Mongolia, Mountain Altai, Initial Upper Paleolithic, knapping technology, small blade productionAbstract
A cluster of archaeological localities situated in the Tolbor River Valley of the Middle Selenga Basin of northern Mongolia comprises complexes representing a cultural sequence from the Initial to Final Upper Paleolithic (UP). Initial UP assemblages from the Tolbor-4, Tolbor-21 and Tolbor-16 localities include lithic industries generally characteristic of the Central Asian – southern Siberian UP area. Initial UP lithic
technology is represented by large, sometimes pointed, bidirectional blade production from subprismatic cores and with a minor Levallois component. There is evidence of small-blade production from specially prepared burin-cores and scarce narrow-faced, subprismatic pyramidal and carinated cores presented in the assemblages from Horizons 6-5 at Tolbor 4 and dated to 37 kya. Bladelets comprise 5% of unretouched blanks. Another Initial UP complex, discovered in an adjacent valley, is the Kharganyn Gol 5 site dated to 38–33 kya and including both subprismatic and narrow-faced cores for small-blade production; bladelets account for 10% of all blanks here. Early UP complexes dating to 34–26 kya continue to reflect this tradition of small-blade production from narrow-faced and subprismatic cores, including pyramidal nuclei, as can be seen at the Tolbor 4, 16 and 15 sites. At Tolbor 15, bladelet production plays a significant role; such blanks, combined with microblades, produced by percussion, comprise 12.7% of the blanks recovered. Smallblade production, using direct percussion by means of a relatively soft or soft hammer, leaves no particular characteristic traces that might allow it to be associated with the emergence of pressure microflaking. Small-blade production is a common feature of Initial UP complexes in Central Asia and southern Siberia, a tradition appearing at this time and developing in the next stages of the Paleolithic.
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