interdisciplinary methods in archaeology, archaeological sites, archaeological mapping, web-programming and database technology, geo-informatics and cartography methods in archaeology, unmanned systems and aerial photographyAbstract
Despite the surge of interest in archaeology and the problems of preserving the cultural and historical heritage of our country, we should note the low level of elaboration of the conceptual basis of archaeological cartography, lack of understanding of the subject, place and role of the cartographic method in archaeological and interdisciplinary research. Taking into account the significant problems in the field of cataloging and archaeological mapping at the country level as a whole, and at the level of individual regions, the methods and technologies proposed in the article will speed up the solution of such urgent tasks for the country as the formation of a single database (registry) of archaeological sites, the development of detailed archaeological maps for official use and electronic maps for all interested persons, issue of thematic atlases, accumulation of technologies based on Web-GIS technologies and providing available data for the reconstruction of ancient and medieval communities etc.The technology of using unmanned aerial photography systems, adapted for the tasks of searching, mapping, and 3D modeling, was tested on the archaeological complex in the Srostki village, in the Piket settlement and the Srostki-I burial ground. The results obtained indicate the great potential of the proposed methods.
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