eastern Orenburg region, border line, field strengthening, ammunitionAbstract
From the very beginning of its existence the Orenburg province was an outpost of the Russian Empire on the southern borders. Special attention was paid to the safety of the agricultural population of Cossack villages and the protection of trade caravan routes from Central Asia. In the early 19th century, the question arises to strengthen the border, on the line from the fortress of Orsk fortress of fortress Troitskaya. In the 1830s-40s, on the initiative of the Governor-General of the new district, Perovsky, the construction of border fortifications begins. The remaining types of fortifications: Musagatsky and Switunsky redoubts, a large field fortification Imperatorskoe are models of fortification of the Russian army of the 19th century. An important feature is the fact that almost all the fortifications of the Novolineiny region are represented by earthen field fortifications. In the course of their examination, items of military ammunition and everyday life were found. Redoubts functioned until the abolition of the Orenburg border line in the 2nd half of the 19th century. Probably, for the second time a number of fortifications, such as the Svistunsky redoubt, were used in the battles of the Civil War, as indicated by a number of finds.
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