
  • D.A. Vinogradov Siberian Federal University



Yenisei, Krasnoyarsk forest-stepp, early Iron Age, Tagar culture, burial mounds, barrows, kurgans


The period of active research of burial mounds located in the territory of Krasnoyarsk forest-steppe zone falls on the end of the 19th – mid 20th centuries. During that time in the vicinity of Krasnoyarsk were recorded more than 150 barrows, at least 25 of which were excavated for scientific purposes. The results of the research allowed scientists to attribute these barrows to the Tagar culture – its northern border of the distribution. Later, for Krasnoyarsk forest-steppe, it was proposed to identify a local version of the Tagar culture with peculiar features inherent only in this region. At the beginning of the 20th century, Vladimir Kartsov made a map of the Krasnoyarsk region sites, which included famous burial mounds, and there was an attempt to calculate their number. Currently most of these barrows have been destroyed in the process of modern activity, and the extant ones continue to be subjected to anthropogenic impact. In this connection, despite the extinguished interest of researchers there is the need for barrows documenting, monitoring their status and conservation. This paper gives a brief description of the Krasnoyarsk forest-steppe barrows, provides a map of their distribution, some clarifications and new data about them.


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Author Biography

  • D.A. Vinogradov, Siberian Federal University

    Junior Researcher, Laboratory of Archaeology, Ethnography and History of Siberia, Siberian Federal University


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