Novosibirsk archaeological expedition, Karasuk culture, Irmen culture, Upper Ob culture, Fomin stageAbstract
Consideration of the field study of archaeological sites and the subsequent interpretation of the materials obtained is a fairly promising direction in archaeological historiography and the history of Russian and Siberian Archaeology. Of particular interest are the sites (complexes of monuments) that have been studied by archaeologists for quite a long time. They, being an illustration of the evolution of scientific thought, demonstrate how the ideas of specialists about ancient and medieval cultures, their chronology, evolution, and stages of development have changed. This work is devoted to the history of the study of the archaeological complex Krasny Yar-1 since 1959 and over the next decades. Based on field reports and publications of such scientists as T.N. Troitskaya, A.V. Matveev, A.A. Adamov, the authors showed the process of studying of this complex, the motives that guided the experts. Of particular interest are the field observations of scientists, which did not always fall into scientific publications. This allowed reconstructing the process of studying the archaeological Krasny Yar-1, to show the transformation of the views of researchers on a variety of issues.
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