Kulundinskaya plain, early Bronze Age, ceramics, technological analysis, Elunino culture, Chemora type, cultural genesis, migrationAbstract
The paper considers the results of the technological analysis of the early Bronze Age pottery of the Bargаnа settlement in Western Kulunda. Studies have shown that for the manufacture of ceramics, the local population used clays of varying degrees of contents iron and plasticity, obtained from several sources, the molding compounds are represented by two recipes (clay + fireclay + organics and clay + fireclay +gruss + organics). In general, these data suggest that on the site a mixed tradition of forming molding masses dominated, which indicates that the population was in contact with carriers of other cultural traditions. The relationship between technological and morphological analyzes confirmed the conclusion. In general, recipes with the addition of chamotte are typical for the Eluninskaya dishes, which differ in their multicomponency, and for ceramics of the Chemar and probably Odinovo Krokhalevsky type – a mixed recipe with the use of cutwood and chamotte. At the same time, in the settlement of Bargana, carriers of all cultural types were probably affected. The data obtained suggest that active ethnocultural processes took place within the main area of distribution of the Eluninskaya culture. Based on the available stratigraphic and radiocarbon data, the site can be dated to the 3rd – 2nd millennium BC line. Further studies will allow determining in more detail the cultural and historical processes that took place in the early Bronze Age in the west of the Kulunda Plain.
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