Paleolithic, Akhangaran river valley, Western Tien-Shan, UzbekistanAbstract
The article deals with the history of the study of the Paleolithic sites in the Akhangaran river valley (Eastern Uzbekistan) as well as the data obtained from the current research cycle. There are three zones of concentration of archaeological objects in the Akhangaran valley, on the basis of the materials of which it is possible to get an idea of the peculiarities of the Paleolithic development in the foothills and lowlands of the Tien Shan. The most studied are the sites in the foothills of the Chatkal range (Kulbulak, Kyzyl-Alma, Gyshtsay-1 etc.) and in the confluence of the Dukentsay and Kattasai rivers (Kattasay-1, 2). As a result of archaeological survey of recent years, a series of Paleolithic sites that are promising for further research (Ertashsai-1–6) were discovered in the Ertashsai valley. As a result of the observations, it is possible to assume that the population of the Middle and Upper Paleolithic (if we take the Upper Paleolithic attribution of the upper level materials of Kattasai-1 and Ertashsai-6) rather actively developed both the foothills and the lowland belt. At the same time, the alleged sites attributed to the lower Paleolithic and Neolithic are documented with very few exceptions in the foothills.
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