Southeast Asia, Niah cave complex, primary and secondary burials, dating, ritualsAbstract
Niah Cave complex (Malaysian part of the Borneo island) is a unique archaeological site, which has been studied since the mid – 20th century. An impressive series of burials dated by different periods from the Late Paleolithic to the Middle Ages is of special interest. In this article the authors consider the group of burials, which belong to the Early Holocene (pre-Neolithic tradition) (9,3–7,000 BP); review the history of the studies at the Niah complex in the framework of several international archaeological projects (T. and B. Harrisson, Z. Majid, G. Barker, and D. Curnoe); give variants of classifications of burials on the basis of various criteria (corpses position, primary or secondary character), and variety of funeral practices; analyze the features of their spatial distribution within the cave and dates; and also turn to the most informative analogies within the island and coastal parts of South-East Asia (Indonesia, Philippines, Vietnam, Malaysia), and to the problems of interpretation of the funeral traditions of early hunter-gatherers-fishers in the tropical zone of the Pacific basin.
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