
  • O.M. Anoshko Tyumen Scientific Centre of Siberian Branch RAS
  • S.I. Klimenko Federal State Budget Educational Institution of Higher Education “ Industrial University of Tyumen”



Tobolsk, fortification of the 17th century, archaeological and historical reconstructions, architectural model


The article presents a characteristic of the Posad fortifications of Tobolsk of the 17th century on the basis of a comparative study of historical, cartographic and archaeological sources and analysis of architectural techniques. According to available data, it was established that the stages and the nature of the building of the first Russian capital of Siberia at the early stages of its history depended on the localization and features of the construction of defensive lines. The network of streets and the location of the quarters have historically been influenced by the configuration of wooden guarded fortifications. It was possible to reconstruct the size, structure and image of the town’s fortifications on the basis of archaeological research carried out at Cape Chukman, which was part of the Verhneposadsky region of the city, inhabited almost since its foundation. Discovered on the excavation area, the remains of the wooden fence, represented by narrow grooves with wood rot from the pillars, were part of the city during different periods of its operation in the 17th  century. The new wall with the platform and the tower is correlated with the eastern defensive line, erected in 1688, when the construction of the most grandiose fortifications in Tobolsk began.


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Author Biographies

  • O.M. Anoshko, Tyumen Scientific Centre of Siberian Branch RAS

    Anoshko Oksana Mikhailovna, Candidate of Historical Sciences, Senior Researcher, Tyumen Scientific Center of Siberian Branch RAS

  • S.I. Klimenko, Federal State Budget Educational Institution of Higher Education “ Industrial University of Tyumen”

    Klimenko Alexander Ivanovich, Associate Professor, Head of Department, Reader, Professor of Tyumen Industrial University (TIU)


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