
  • M.A. Baiberdina (Talyagina) Technical College of Information Technology, Economics and Law of the Kemerovo Institute (branch) of Plekhanov Russian University of Economics



Minusinsk Basin, archaeological material, Tes time, petroglyphs, Xiongnu, Xianbei


The article is devoted to the analysis of the rock paintings of the Tes time in the Minusinsk Hollow in the context of archaeological materials. In the course of the work, the analysis is given to the most vivid scenes and individual characters that were widely spread on the monuments of the rock art of that time, and in most cases are related to the materials of the Tes period, obtained during the excavations. These objects constitute an integral and peculiar object complex having distinctive features from the Tagar period. In its formation, the influence of Xiongnu and Xianbei cultural traditions was of great importance. Conducting analogies between the objects found in closed archaeological complexes, and drawings on rocks and burial stones allows one to attribute them to the specific time. These include images of boilers; peculiar animals with disturbed body proportions and quite realistic rams with their legs tucked under the belly; complex bows; opposing animals (deer, unicorns, bears); geometric figures, etc. As a result of the analysis, four stylistic groups of images of the Tes period were identified, the creation of which is most likely associated with different groups of the population that lived at that time on the Middle Yenisei. The pictorial material allows us to trace the transformation of the Tagar style, to identify groups of drawings created under the influence of the foreign population, and together with the monuments of material culture makes it possible to trace the changes not only in everyday life, but also in the worldview of the population that lived at the junction of two key eras.


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Author Biography

  • M.A. Baiberdina (Talyagina), Technical College of Information Technology, Economics and Law of the Kemerovo Institute (branch) of Plekhanov Russian University of Economics

    Bayberdina (Talyagina) Maria Alexandrovna, Teacher, College of Information Technologies, Economics and Law, Kemerovo Institute (branch) of Plekhanov Russian University of Economics


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