three-dimensional modeling, 3D scanning, structured light scanners, archaeological objects, scalingAbstract
Currently, 3D modeling of archaeological artifacts is the most actively developing science area in archaeology. It serves both for visualization of objects of the archaeological heritage, and for verifiable scientific research at a previously inaccessible level of detail. The proposed article provides a universal method for scanning archaeological artifacts using a structured light scanner. As a result of scan applying, you can get a scaled model of an archaeological artifact that fully corresponds to the original. Using the example of threedimensional images of stone tools, basic recommendations are given for scanning archaeological artifacts of various colors and sizes. Examples of the most common errors that occur during scanning as a result of incorrect equipment settings or due to the physical properties of the scanned objects are given. Error correction algorithms can be used for any scanning devices and scanning any types of artifacts. The proposed article can be used as a teaching tool for learning to scan archaeological objects using scanners of structured illumination.
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