pottery, technical and technological analysis, Kazakhstan, burial ground, Sargarinsko- Alekseevskaya culture, Irmenskaya cultureAbstract
The article considers the results of studying the technology of pottery manufacturing at the Sargarinsko-Alekseevsky burial ground of Karatugay (Central Kazakhstan). By the method of A.A. Bobrinsky using a MBS-10 binocular microscope, 10 archaeologically intact and fragmented vessels have been studied. The information has been obtained on the characteristics of the material, the preparation of molding compound recipes, the methods of constructing the beginning and hollow body, surface treatment, and firing conditions. A set of basic pottery traditions has been defined (selection of raw materials – medium-iron plastic clay with a natural admixture of oolitic brown iron ore; molding mass recipe – medium / large wood pulp at a concentration of 1:5 + small medium-iron chamotte at a concentration of 1:5 + manure; capacitive program; constructing a hollow body in a patchwork-lumpy way), imported vessels have been identified, the sequence of burials has been established. It is shown that the population who left the site lived together with representatives of the Irmen culture.
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