Upper Paleolithic, Northern Mongolia, planographic analysis, clustering, cultural horizonAbstract
The relatively good preservation of cultural deposits of the Tolbor-21 site contributed to the study of the planigraphy of the Upper Paleolithic horizons. The article presents the results of spatial analysis of these materials using clustering. Taking into account all three coordinates of each find, clustering traces the vertical distribution of finds, detects outliers from the main concentration horizon. This makes it possible to highlight areas of cultural horizon disturbances, and separate complexes superimposed on each other. A comparative analysis of the composition of the clusters made it possible to compare them with each other and, in some cases, to distinguish functional zones. In excavation 1, horizon 3B was identified, which had not previously stood out in the area. The results were compared with the conclusions of a previous study (in particular, the analysis of directions). Thus, the possibilities of a hierarchical clustering algorithm for spatial study of cultural deposits are determined.
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