VIKTOR SARIANIDI: LIFE AS A SEARCH (article-memoirs about the great archaeologist)
Viktor Ivanovich Sarianidi, Turkmenistan, Northern Afghanistan, Geoksyur oasis, Dashly oasis, devotion to archaeology, life as a searchAbstract
Having excavated the so-called gold of Bactria, Viktor Ivanovich Sarianidi became the author of the largest archeological sensation of the 2nd half of the 20th century. Moreover, he was the discoverer of an entire regional civilization – the “Oxus civilization”, or the Bactrian-Margian archaeological complex. At one time, the author was fortunate enough to spend several field seasons with him in one detachment, one expeditionary camp. Two of them are described in the proposed text, combining the characteristics of a scientific article and memoir genre. This is the final season of work on the Eneolithic Site Geoksyur-1 in Turkmenistan and excavations at the site of the Bronze Age Dashly-1 and Dashly-3 in Northern Afghanistan. In both cases, the reader is offered, firstly, a brief description of these sites, and secondly, their interpretation, compiled primarily on the works of V.I. Sarianidi, thirdly, the author’s memories, with the help of which small additions are made to the descriptions and interpretation. However, the memories basically concern the impressions and episodes that happened during the excavations which allow the readers to see V.I. Sarianidi as a bright personality, as a person whose whole life was a creative scientific search.
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