Minusinsk basin, Kuragino district, Krasnoyarsk region, Tagar archaeological culture, Saragash stage, settlement Roshchinskoye-2, housings, burialsAbstract
The settlement Roshchinskoye-2 was discovered in 2010 by the Sayan archaeological expedition of the IHMC OF RAS (under the leadership of A.V. Polyakov) when designing the construction of the Kyzyl-Kuragino railway line on the territory of the Kuraginsky district of the Krasnoyarsk region. During the survey of the area by continuous excavations for housing structures, objects of household use, burial of animals and people were found. The article presents the results of the study of these objects. Important conclusions were obtained in the study of housings. It was possible to determine the main elements of structures that allow them to be attributed to frame-pillar type semi-earthen housings. The human remains found in the housings and on the territory of the settlement belonged to infants and the grave without ant inventory belonged to the male who died as a result of violent actions. Analysis of materials and the results of radiocarbon dating allowed us to determine that the settlement of Roshchinskoye-2 is a monocultural site that existed for a short period of time, dating back to the 4t–3rd Centuries BC (Saragash stage of Tagar culture).
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