BLIZHNIE ELBANY-4 SETTLEMENT (based on the materials of the State Hermitage Museum)
settlement, Kulaiskaya culture, analysis, ceramics, morphology, ornamentation, migrationAbstract
This article is the first to publish in full the materials of the Blizhnie Yelbany-4 settlement, which werepreviously published only partly; as a result, the entire complex did not receive a comprehensive analysis. The full publication of materials and their analysis is given in comparison with new materials of the Kulaiskaya culture at Fominskiy stage that have been recently received and introduced into scientific circulation. They originate from the territory of the Barnaul-Biysk Ob River Region, as well as the neighbouring regions. It made it possible to speak about the presence of the Barnaul-Biysk Ob ceramic complexes of the Kulaiskaya culture at the Sarovskii stage that has previously been denied by the researchers. In addition, the publication of this complex made it possible to identify characteristic, culture-diagnostic features of ceramic complexes of the Kulaiskaya culture at the Sarovskii stage. The distinction between the Sarovskii and Fominskii complexes suggests the presence of both Sarovskii and Fominskii sites in the Barnaul-Biysk Ob Region, as well as mixed Sarovskii-Fominskii sites which indicates the transformation of the Sarovskii stage into the Fominskii stage on the territory of the forest-steppe Altai. The research resulted in identifying the beginning of the Kulaiskaya culture population development of the forest-steppe Altai at the earlier time and correcting the routes of migration of those people to the territory.
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