headdress, crown, bird, polymorphic creature, Pazyryk CultureAbstract
The article presents an attempt to identify a fantastic bird placed on the crown of a woman buried under the mound of Tarasyk in East Kazakhstan. The mound was explored by the expedition of the A.Kh. Margulan Institute of Archaeology. The reconstruction of a woman’s costume, made in the scientific restoration laboratory “Ostrov Krym” headed by K. Altynbekov, was taken as a reference. In the decoration of the crown on the buried woman’s head, there are two zoomorphic images of a bird and a saiga. They were set according to the principle of heraldic composition, with an image of phoenix as the central element, and a pair of saigas as the other two symmetrically arranged figures. The crown was complemented by pendants. This reconstruction is the result of the tedious work, and the greatest creation of employees of the laboratory “Ostrov Krym”. It supports and expands the existing portrayal of the Early Iron Age women. The site is dated to the 5th–4th c. BC. The received data show that the ancient population of East Kazakhstan and Altai was familiar with the image of a phoenix. The latter is related to the ideas of eternal life and renovation, and also apparently marks the status of the buried, who could perform certain rituals. The headdress from the Tasaryk demonstrates the synthesis of traditions of Saks of Jetysu and Pazyryk.
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