Early Paleolithic, location, macrotools, double-sided processingAbstract
The article discusses the development of forms of macrotools in the Acheulean industries of Southeast Dagestan. The group of sites from which the material in question originates is located on the border of the plain and foothills in the territory of the Darvagchay geoarchaeological region (the Republic of Dagestan). Based on the technical and typological indicators of stone artifacts, absolute and relative chronology, two culturalchronological complexes are identified. A detailed morphological characteristic of these products is given along with an initial analysis. Based on this, it was concluded that these sites present different chronological stages of the consistent development of one stone industry. Differences in the craftsmanship of the raw materials used, the variety of its shapes and sizes determined a large variability and, accordingly, low standardization of these tools. The Early Paleolithic complexes of this region have a number of morphological and typological features that distinguish them from the Acheulean industries of other regions of the Caucasus.
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