Indonesia, Bali, Island archaeology, Paleolithic, Neolithic, Paleometal, burialsAbstract
Bali is a part of the Lesser Sunda Islands (province of Indonesia) and despite its small size is an illustrative case of a combination of regional features and bright local manifestations, an example of peculiarities of the cultural process on a compact territory (“archaeological micro-World”) and an attractive research lab in the context of “Island Archaeology”. The archaeological data available to date, which precede the spread of Buddhism and Hinduism, indicate the settling of the island of Bali, starting from the Late Pleistocene, and belong to the Paleolithic, Neolithic (4–2,500 BP) and Paleometal (Early Metal Age) (2,5–1,700 BP). The Paleometal epoch is represented by a whole series of funerary, settlement and workshop sites, whose materials illustrate the combination of external cultural influences from the territory of Indochina (Dongshon culture) and India, traditions in burial practices common to the entire of Island Southeast Asia (jar-burials), as well as bright local specifics (local ceramic styles, stone sarcophagi, large bronze drums of the “Moko” type, compact complexes of vertically installed stones, etc.).
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