
  • I.A. Savko 1Institute of Archaeology and Ethnography SB RAS; Altai State Pedagogical University
  • O.A. Fedoruk Altai State University




Andronovskaya cultural and historical community, Middle Bronze Age, ceramics, the North-Western foothills of Altai, technological analysis


The paper discusses the results of a comprehensive analysis of the ceramic complex of the Chekanovsky Log-2 burial ground of the Andronovskaya (Fedorovskaya) culture, located in the North-Western foothills of Altai. In the course of morphological analysis, three forms of vessels were identified: pots, jars, and pot-jars. The leading method of ornamentation was stamping. Seven basic elements of the ornament and 27 different motives were used for ornamenting. Some differences are recorded in the technique of ornamentation and compositional schemes of the two sections of the burial ground. A technical and technological analysis showed that for the production of crockery local potters preferred medium-iron clays, mostly medium-plastic. The leading recipe for the preparation of molding masses at the site was clay + grit + fireclay + organic matter. At the same time, in the north section, there are vessels made only with the addition of chamotte as a mineral admixture. Thus, the materials of the site demonstrate the process of mixing different traditions in pottery. Most likely, on the territory of the North-Western foothills of Altai during the developed Bronze Age, there was an active interaction and mutual influence of the population of different geographical zones: foothill and lowland, which probably belonged to various local variants of the Andronovo cultural and historical community: East Kazakhstan and Ob.


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Author Biographies

  • I.A. Savko, 1Institute of Archaeology and Ethnography SB RAS; Altai State Pedagogical University

    Laboratory Assistant at the Barnaul Laboratory of Archaeology and Ethnography of Southern Siberia

  • O.A. Fedoruk, Altai State University

    Candidate of Historical Sciences, Senior Researcher of the Laboratory for Interdisciplinary Study of Archaeology of Western Siberia and Altai


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