
  • N.F. Stepanova Altai State University; Institute of Archaeology and Ethnography SB RAS



Bolshemysskaya culture, Altai, ceramics, ornament, radiocarbon dating


The article deals with the problems of the chronology of the Bolshemysskaya culture, which is usually attributed to the Eneolithic era. The sites of this culture have a wide distribution area: the Barnaul-Biysk the Ob region, the Altai Mountains (Middle Katun), the upper reaches of the Alei and Northern Kulunda rivers. However, its chronological boundaries are not clearly defined, which is due to the small number of radiocarbon dates and the lack of reliable data for dating based on relative analogies. Calibration of dates from the burials of the Bolshoi Mys burial ground and Nizhnetytkesken cave-1 showed a significant range between them. An analysis of the ceramic assemblages of the Novoilinka-III settlement from Northern Kulunda revealed signs of interaction between the Cyprinsko-Penkovsky and Bolshemyssky population groups. Contacts can be traced in the ornamentation of ceramics with an object that leaves imprints similar to the ones of bird feathers, and in the addition of bird fluff to the pottery paste. Calibration of radiocarbon dates from Novoilinka-III showed that they all include 34–29 centuries BC. Based on the data obtained, the lower boundary of the Bolshemyskaya culture can be tentatively dated to the second half of the 4th millennium BC.


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Author Biography

  • N.F. Stepanova, Altai State University; Institute of Archaeology and Ethnography SB RAS

    Candidate of Historical Sciences, Senior Researcher of the Laboratory for Interdisciplinary Study of Archaeology of Western Siberia and Altai


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