Altai, Upper Ob region, Srostki-I, kurgan, coins, Earlier middle Ages, Biysk Museum of local lore, x-ray fluorescence analysis, datingAbstract
The coins discovered in Altai and the South of the Upper Ob region during archaeological excavations of Early Medieval sites are important chronological indicators. They also reflect the results of ethno-cultural and military-political interaction between different groups of the population during this period. The article provides a detailed analysis of two Chinese coins stored in the Biysk Museum of local lore (Altai territory) and originating from the well-known burial mound Srostki-I. In addition to the history of their study, detailed descriptions and comprehensive illustrations are presented for the first time. Based on the current data on the Chinese coins and the results of x-ray fluorescence testing, new grounds for dating the considered products are given. This information is supplemented by a summary of other similar finds from the sites of the territory under consideration. This information indicates the need for further study of numismatic materials that are known in certain regions of North Asia.
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