Altai, early Iron age, the Pazyryk culture, horse masks for head, images of a «horned» horseAbstract
Excavation of Pazyryk barrows in Altai dating from the Scythian-Saks time revealed a uniquely preserved series of products made from organic materials. Among them was the horse mask headband, which «turned» the horse into a horned animal e.g. deer, goat, griffin. Extensive literature is devoted to questions of the meaning of the ancient masked horses, of which there are several graphic reconstructions. Comparison of the masks found in Pazyryk barrows, to some artifacts and to pictorial complexes discovered in the territory from China to the British Isles, enables one to assume the existence of these mythical characters; horsemen riding on horned animals in the huge spaces of Eurasia in the 2nd half of the first millennium BC. This probable component of such heroic myths makes them particularly relevant to the early Iron Age, when the expectation for the role of the warrior/leader/ hero was great. Interpretation of these activities can reveal certain aspects of the worldview of ancient peoples. Materials from neighboring areas as well as from very remote regions may provide substantial assistance in this process.
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