
  • I.V. Kovtun Institute of human ecology SB RAS
  • A.G. Marochkin Институт экологии человека СО РАН




Nizhnetomsk area of rock art, Novoromanovo pisanitsa, site Dolgaya 1, boat representation, archaeological dating, changes of world outlook, myphocalendrical symbolic


The representation of a boat with fifteen «passengers» occupying its seats was found under the occupation layer, on the excavated elevation of the rock mass while examining the site Dolgaya 1 located over the main complex of the Novoromanovo petroglyph site (pisanitsa). According to the planigraphy and stratigraphy of the complex this petroglyph dates to the Seyma-Turbino period, i.e. not later than the 17th–15th centuries BC.

The boat was beaten on a frieze separated from the Novoromanovo pisanitsa, on the periphery of the site Dolgaya 1 located in close proximity to the river. This representation serves as an allegoric and functional myphocalendrical symbol. The combination of ritual and utilitarian origin which is characteristic of the representation of the Novoromanovo boat with its anthropo-amorphous «passengers» is considered to be a unique evidence of the generation of mythological interpretation based on real calendar and hydro-climatic patterns.


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Author Biography

  • A.G. Marochkin, Институт экологии человека СО РАН

    младший научный сотрудник лаборатории археологии


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How to Cite

A BOAT AND FIFTEEN «PASSENGERS». (2017). THEORY AND PRACTICE OF ARCHAEOLOGICAL RESEARCH, 8(2), 17-24. https://doi.org/10.14258/tpai(2013)2(8).-02