Lower Angara region, finale of the Iron Age, burial ground, burial ceremony, funeral equipment, ceramics, dating, cultural connectionAbstract
The article presents the preliminary results of studying of the Pinchuga-6 burial ground n the Lower Angara region. This site is the first large necropolis of the late Iron Age to be explored in the region. 16 cremated burials on the side were recorded at the necropolis. Eventually 30 individuals of different ages were identified. The research revealed single children’s and adults’ burials, collective and paired complexes. In the collective complexes the remains of three or five people are buried. Based on the results the main features of the funeral ceremony were identified. Among the finds from the burial ground and the inter-burial ground space are weapons, tools, ceramic vessels, objects of Western Siberian cult casting and adornments. According to the analogy, the burial ground dates back to the second quarter of the 1st millennium AD. In addition materials of the Tashtyk and Late Kulai guises have been collected at the site along with local elements of the Lower Angara region.
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