comPound boWS oF altai PoPulation in rouran Period (baSed on materialS From the choburak-i necroPoliS)
Altai, Bulan-Koba culture, Xianbei-Rouran time, weapons, bow, bone (horn) plates, chronologyAbstract
The article presents the publication and analysis of the compound bows of the Altai population in the Rouran period, found in the burials of the Bulan-Koby culture of the Choburak-I funeral complex. A series of objects of this site, located near the Elanda village of the Chemal district of the Altai Republic, have been explored by an archaeological expedition of the Altai State University. The authors systematized the bone (horn) bows from the burials of seven men (mounds 30, 30a, 31, 31a, 32, 34a, 38) and one adolescent (mound 29a). A comparative study of the available materials gives grounds to attribute these items to the 2nd - 5th centuries AD. A significant similarity in the design and shape of the bone (horn) parts of the published samples of hand-held throwing weapons has been noted. The obtained archaeological data demonstrate the use of long bows with symmetrical and asymmetrical base, reinforced by seven overlays, by the “Bulan-Kobins”. The study of objects recorded “in situ” testifies to the existence of the practice of placing “incomplete” (broken) bows or samples with disassembled overhead elements in the burial place among the population of Altai in the Xianbei-Rouran period. The presented materials expand the source base for a comprehensive study of long-range offensive weapons of the population of the region at the turn of the late antiquity and the early Middle Ages.
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