Khirgisuurs of Y ustyd: Multisp ectral Imagery, Experience of Us ing UAVs for Complex Study
orthophotomap, photogrammetry, unmanned aerial vehicle, archaeological exploration, khirgisuur, Yustyd, mountainous AltaiAbstract
The article discusses the methodological issues of remote mapping objects of archaeological heritage using unmanned aerial vehicles. A section of the Yustyd river valley on the territory of the Kosh-Agach district of the Altai Republic was chosen as a polygon. The survey area in 2021 covered the territory of the right bank with the maximum concentration of large objects, first of all, khirgisuurs, which are distinguished by a variety of shapes and internal structures. For multispectral shooting of archaeological sites, an unmanned aerial vehicle DJI Inspire 1 (ver. 2.0) was used, a design feature of which was an additional mini-platform located in the rear of the hull. The platform was mounted for the installation of a Parrot Sequoia camera and an additional battery — a source of autonomous power supply for the camera. The process of photogrammetric processing of images was a computer automated digital processing of photographic materials with the subsequent creation of a mosaic orthomosaic. Agisoft Metashape software was chosen for photogrammetric processing of materials. The results obtained were subjected to index (thematic) processing of multispectral images based on a combination of green, red and near infrared channels. In the course of a comparative analysis of the constructed images, the following regularities were found. The MCARI index makes it possible to detect burial mounds and structural elements expressed in geometry (plan). Detection of various “anomalies” characterizing the presence of small elements in the turf layers is possible with additional filter processing. Thus, it has been established that multispectral imaging is a new high-tech tool for performing work: archaeological exploration, searching for new objects and clarifying the configuration of previously studied objects, when mapping stand-alone sites and archaeological complexes in general.
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