M. P. Gryaznov, nomadic pastoralism, early nomads, nomadismAbstract
Mikhail Petrovich Gryaznov is one of the scientists whose range of scientific interests has never been limited to one topic. His work in the early 1930s as part of the History of nomadic pastoralism group to a large extent determined the direction of his activities in the future. It is important that by the beginning of the 1930s M.P. Gryaznov accumulated significant and diverse experience in field and office research, which allowed him to outline a solution to the problem of the emergence and development of nomadic pastoralism based on a synthesis of archaeological and written sources and to propose one of the first programs in Soviet archaeology to study the history of early nomads. This article is devoted to the contribution of M.P. Gryaznov in the study of the problem of the emergence and development of nomadic pastoralism. The work also used information from unpublished or poorly studied sources.
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