


Upper Ob region, tanaiskaia, korchazhkinskaia, elovkskaia archaeological cultures


The article is devoted to the consideration of the problems of studying the cultures of the Late Bronze Age of the Upper Ob region using the example of the Tanai archaeological culture. It was singled out by I. V. Kovtun in 2016 on the peculiarities of ceramics of a small number of sites located near Salair, on the Tom and on the Ob. The author believes that on the basis of the materials presented by the scientist, it is still possible to speak only about the type of ceramics or the specifics of the ornamentation of dishes in the archaeological microdistrict. However, this does not mean that there is no need to talk about the cultural-chronological scale of the Late Bronze Age in the region under consideration. On the contrary, the activities of I.V. Kovtun stimulates the emergence of a new round in the study of andronoid and related archaeological cultures, to a more detailed study of the materials accumulated by scientists. Attention to this topic will potentially stimulate the development of general methodological problems in archaeological research. These include the issues of identifying an archaeological cult, determining the specifics of ceramics and signs of its types, dating of andronoid and related cultures, issues of the relationship of ancient people or identifying contacts in a homogeneous cultural environment.


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Author Biography

  • Sergey S. Tikhonov, Institute of Archaeology and Ethnography SB RAS

    Candidate of Historical Sciences, Associate Professor, Senior Researcher of Omsk Laboratory of Archaeology, Ethnography and Museology of the Institute of Archeology and Ethnography SB RAS,


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